
Yours truly, R


Hunger Games {forever?}

Hunger Games 'Love' necklace.

Hunger Games poster. 

Twas a Hunger Games filled birthday. Party yet to come!

T'other Blue. A dedicated post.

This is appropriate for two reasons;
1). My camera lens arrived in the mail today. It takes photos like a boss! I am so so so happy for it back. I've stopped trying to express how I feel about having a non-working camera so let's just put it like this: I feel sad and lonely without it.
And 2). It's State of Origin tonight. I've been told I have to go for Blues (which works, coz it's my favorite color) so this beanie is dedicated to Rugby. Sick, I know.


Online Editor.

I have found a new online photo editor - Phixr. http://www.phixr.com/photo/userindex
It's not so great for photography in itself, but for messing with photos and making the funky it's quite something! These are two I've only slightly modified. 
I think I'm love. 

Newsy Nails

Vodka-nail polish-newspaper. Nails.